About this random little blog:

I work in an office at Brigham Young University, a private Mormon university, where I look out the window all day long. While doing this I witness many things: lovers, haters, nerds, beauty queens, zit popping, pranks, public runners, dancing etc. Here you'll find my ramblings and thoughts regarding things from MY side of the window.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

2:42 pm

just saw one of these beauties walk by. studded belt and everything. unfortunately it was followed by a shirt that was too short and too tight for the girl who was wearing it revealing a bare midriff!!! normally i wouldn't care about it, i would just think it was gross that a bare belly was sticking out in the frigid air....but at BYU where there's a strict dress code, for some reason my judgmental side comes out when i see violations. Not like i ever do anything, but i tend to notice it more. I almost didn't know what to do with myself when one day a girl came in wearing a tank top....sinful, i know..........back to the chain. i remember a point in my life where i thought it would be cool to wear one of these, and i think i probably even shopped around for one...and now i'm slightly embarassed that i broadcasted that to the blogging world. what's the point of these things? so your wallet doesnt get stolen i presume? I hate to break it to you, but i've never seen a pick pocketer walking around campus. or maybe outer-thigh bling is attractive to some people. whatever the case, it caught my eye and i just spent the last 8 minutes writing about it. Thank you thigh-bling girl for entertaining me.


  1. It's sad what people hang on to in "fashion"...

  2. haha! I can so see you wearing a chain. And bare midriff's are so out.
