About this random little blog:

I work in an office at Brigham Young University, a private Mormon university, where I look out the window all day long. While doing this I witness many things: lovers, haters, nerds, beauty queens, zit popping, pranks, public runners, dancing etc. Here you'll find my ramblings and thoughts regarding things from MY side of the window.

Friday, May 1, 2009


all i can see are women. flocks of them. like geese. that's right....it's the annual "Women's Conference" here on campus....what does that mean? a bunch of women, getting together to sit through "classes" but the majority of them are just crocheting little bonnets, or booties, or afghans, or shirts...whatever. who knows what they do in there....but really they are just here to disturb the peace. at least that's my take on things. I don't know what it is about this little conference that turns women into beasts. I avoid the main hub of campus at all costs during these days (the student center, where there's food and the bookstore) because you can't turn anywhere without running into them, and smelling the old woman smell. They buy fudge by the gallons, i swear. not to mention the whole fact that most of them are menaupausal and will do anything and everything to use that as an excuse. I'm sure they talk about being better mothers, better wives, better relief society presidents etc....but they need to learn a life lesson: just because visiting and wear a nametag doesn't mean your special. you can't just walk all over us lowly university employees like we're dirt on the ground. I tried to go to a local restaurant last night, worst idea on the planet. This place is a provo favorite "Brick Oven".......i've never seen so many hungry, onery, tired women in my life. Just the thought of their crusty feet made me not want to even eat the food there. I felt bad for the waiters and anyone who wasn't a woman in that place. My hat's off to you Brick Oven for even attempting to host these crazies. with that said...Go buy your fudge and take it back to your ghetto hotel room and leave me alone. that's all i ask.

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled upon your blog. I remember women's conference at BYU--definitely not a good time to get candy at the bookstore.

    I'm wondering though, why everything you see "our your window" is so negative and sad. Is the grass always greener there? Or is it that it's always browner?

    Next time I'm on campus, I'll try stopping in front of your window.
